Ever since writing my first poem in 3rd grade, I was obsessed with how to say more with less. My career has been a winding road, and I have come full circle. I started out in PR pitching journalists. But I wanted more creativity, so I became a journalist for a bit. Then I wanted more.
After so many jobs in different facets of marketing and communication, I realized what rung true over the years—I like to write copy and content. I love being able to immerse myself in the needs of an audience and deliver phrases that captivate and compel. I love learning how things work in different industries, what works across the board and what requires nuance and customization. And I love to do hours of deep research!
I’ve navigated so many interesting twists in my career. I even took time off in 2017-2018 to get my license in massage therapy. But having worn so many hats, I have gained wisdom and I know what has changed for me and what hasn’t. I have always enjoyed the challenge of writing, and developing a brand’s voice and developing
Having done a lot of product marketing and strategic branding for many companies (see my portfolio), I am currently looking for a role in these niches.
I am a:
Creator by Nature
I am a passionate creator by nature. Before I began writing poetry, I was a drummer. At 17, I began learning piano—I would sneak out of the cafeteria at lunchtime to play the baby grand in the auditorium. Whatever I do, I immerse myself in the process. I love to learn
Storyteller by Heritage
I grew up in an Irish family and am proud to be a dual US-Irish citizen thanks to strong ties to the Emerald Isle. The Irish are proverbial storytellers, and this is true for my family and I. We’re lyrical, witty and love a good craic—you can often hear us repeating stories at dinnertime, fine-tuning their elements and polishing them for optimal laughter and calling upon people to tell a familiar story because they tell it the best.
Listener by Trade
Having spent over three years and taken over 1,500 calls as a crisis and suicide hotline volunteer, I understand the value of connecting and reflecting with people. Now as a licensed massage therapist, I am listening with my hands as I scan my clients for problem areas. I enjoy tending to client needs while fostering in them an innate trust in my process. I have learned through massage and crisis work that the art of persuasion requires a gentle, intuitive approach.